【2020/4/15 追記】SXSW2020キャンセルに伴う購入済バッジの振替対応について


【2020/4/15 追記】



① ご購入されたSXSW2020のバッジ(種類を問わず)は2021、2022、2023年のいずれかのSXSWへ振替えてご使用頂けます。

② それに加え、①で振替えを選択した年度以外の残り2年のうち1回のみ、SXSWのバッジ(どの種類でも可)をWalkup Rate(当日料金)の半額でご購入頂けます。

(例)2020年のインタラクティブのバッジを2021年に振り替える場合、2022年はプラチナバッジがWalkup Rateの*50%オフで購入が可能。(*2021年以降の各バッジの価格は未定です)



ご不明点な点がありましたら、Japan Office<japan@sxsw.com>までご連絡くださいませ。

尚、上記のオンラインサイトではなく、SXSW Japan OfficeやSXSW本部からの請求書でバッジを購入されている場合(団体購入やブース契約と同時購入など)については、上記とは別の手続きが必要となります。別途SXSW Japan Officeよりご連絡させていただきますのでお待ちください。


日本時間3月7日に新型コロナウイルスの影響によるSXSW 2020のキャンセルが発表されました。


バッジ購入者への今後の対応について、SXSW HP上の更新がありましたので、こちらでもご紹介します。





SXSW Update: Registration Deferral Details and More


It’s been a hell of a week all around.


We’ve learned that if there’s anything more difficult than producing an event the magnitude of SXSW, it’s cancelling one. This is a devastating time for the company, for our staff and for our community of artists, educators, musicians, filmmakers and small businesses that support this annual event. The cancellation of SXSW due to concerns around COVID-19 by the City of Austin was the right decision, but it has rocked us to the core, as well as the thousands of people who help make SXSW an extraordinary and unique event. We didn’t expect the outpouring of support that we’ve received, and it has been both overwhelming and humbling.


While we’re still trying to sort out our path forward, we are singularly focused on delivering SXSW 2021 in a way that brings together our community of creatives and provides a platform for them to further their goals and dreams. We are exploring options to deliver some online experiences in the near future, and will share more details as we have them. At this time we cannot realistically reschedule the 2020 event because the COVID-19 situation is still developing, and we don’t want to be in a situation where the City faces the decision to cancel again.


Given financial factors that came to light very quickly, we were required to go where the company didn’t want to. We needed to cut costs immediately to survive, which regretfully required reducing staff. It is heart-wrenching for everyone, and we are not the same today.


To our 2020 registrants, we appreciate your patience as we worked through the details of a deferral package. Details can be found below and you will hear from us directly with further details within the next 24 hours.



Our stated registration policy has always been no refunds, but due to this unprecedented situation, we are offering the following:

  • Defer your badge to 2021, 2022, or 2023, and

  • Get 50% off the walk-up rate in an alternate year of your choosing between 2021 and 2023

  • This offer is non-transferable and available only to you


  • 2020年の購入済のバッジは2021、2022、2023年のいずれかへ振替可能

  • さらに、上記の振替対象として選択する年以外に、2021~2023年のいずれか1度のバッジ購入における当日価格に対する50%の割引

  • このオファーは2020年バッジ購入者のみに適用され、他者への譲渡は不可

SXSW is proud to be the catalyst for conversations that begin in Austin and extend around the globe. We look forward to better days ahead for everyone, and the time when our creative community can gather and forge a better path to the future.
